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The Concrete Removal Specialists Serving Clearwater, FL

Unlevel concrete slabsWhether you’re remodeling, rebuilding, or demolishing, you may need to get rid of a concrete wall or floor on your property. It’s tough, dirty work that requires know-how and heavy-duty equipment, so it’s not exactly a job that most homeowners want to take on. Fortunately, in Clearwater and nearby Florida communities, concrete removal is exactly the type of job that the team at Diamond Core Drilling performs. With more than 100 years of combined experience working with concrete, our team understands how to clear concrete debris from properties safely and efficiently without making more of a mess or causing property damage in the process.

A Qualified Concrete Drilling Company

Since 1985, we’ve been performing concrete removals and other concrete services for just about any type of property—office buildings, hotels, houses, hospitals, and more. We’re even qualified to work in Florida schools because all of our employees have undergone Level 2 background screening as required by the Jessica Lunsford Act. Moreover, our technicians are OSHA-certified for safety and are highly skilled at using several specialized concrete removal equipment.

Our Concrete Removal Process

After you reach out to us, we will send at least two of our highly trained technicians to your Clearwater, FL, property to ensure your project is completed efficiently. We treat every project with the same care and respect we’d give our own property, so we will lay plastic coverings around the entire site before we start and clean up thoroughly after ourselves once we’re finished.

For more information about our concrete removal services, contact Diamond Core Drilling–the local concrete removal specialists. We may be able to provide a free estimate over the phone and can complete most jobs within 48 hours.
